Source code for kwalitee.kwalitee

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of kwalitee
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 CERN.
# kwalitee is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# kwalitee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kwalitee; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

"""Kwalitee checks for PEP8, PYDOCSTYLE, PyFlakes and License."""

import codecs
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tokenize
from datetime import datetime

import pep8
import pydocstyle
import pyflakes
import pyflakes.checker

SUPPORTED_FILES = '.py', '.html', '.tpl', '.js', '.jsx', '.css', '.less'
"""Supported file types."""

_re_copyright_year = re.compile(r"^Copyright\s+(?:\([Cc]\)|\xa9)\s+"
                                re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)

_re_program = re.compile(r"^(?P<program>.*?) is free software;",
                         re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)
_re_program_2 = re.compile(r"^(?P<program>.*?) is distributed in",
                           re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)
_re_program_3 = re.compile(r"GNU General Public License\s+along\s+with "
                           re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)

_re_bullet_label = re.compile(r"^\* (?P<label>[A-Z]{1,70}) ", re.UNICODE)

_messages_codes = {
    # Global
    "M100": "needs more reviewers",
    "M101": "signature is missing",
    "M102": "unrecognized bullet/signature",
    # First line
    "M110": "missing component name",
    "M111": "unrecognized component name: {0}",
    # Dots
    "M120": "missing empty line before bullet",
    "M121": "indentation of two spaces expected",
    "M122": "unrecognized bullet label: {0}",
    "M123": "no dot at the end of the sentence",
    # Signatures
    "M130": "no bullets are allowed after signatures",
    # Generic
    "M190": "line is too long ({1} > {0})",
    "M191": "must not end with a dot '.'",

_licenses_codes = {
    "L100": "license is missing",
    "L101": "copyright is missing",
    "L102": "copyright year is outdated, expected {0} but got {1}",
    "L103": "license is not GNU GPLv2",
    "L190": "file cannot be decoded as {0}"

_author_codes = {
    "A100": "AUTHORS files are not defined",
    "A101": "AUTHORS file {0} does not exist",
    "A102": "{0} missing in AUTHORS file",

def _check_1st_line(line, **kwargs):
    """First line check.

    Check that the first line has a known component name followed by a colon
    and then a short description of the commit.

    :param line: first line
    :type line: str
    :param components: list of known component names
    :type line: list
    :param max_first_line: maximum length of the first line
    :type max_first_line: int
    :return: errors as in (code, line number, *args)
    :rtype: list

    components = kwargs.get("components", ())
    max_first_line = kwargs.get("max_first_line", 50)

    errors = []
    lineno = 1
    if len(line) > max_first_line:
        errors.append(("M190", lineno, max_first_line, len(line)))

    if line.endswith("."):
        errors.append(("M191", lineno))

    if ':' not in line:
        errors.append(("M110", lineno))
        component, msg = line.split(':', 1)
        if component not in components:
            errors.append(("M111", lineno, component))

    return errors

def _check_bullets(lines, **kwargs):
    """Check that the bullet point list is well formatted.

    Each bullet point shall have one space before and after it. The bullet
    character is the "*" and there is no space before it but one after it
    meaning the next line are starting with two blanks spaces to respect the

    :param lines: all the lines of the message
    :type lines: list
    :param max_lengths: maximum length of any line. (Default 72)
    :return: errors as in (code, line number, *args)
    :rtype: list

    max_length = kwargs.get("max_length", 72)
    labels = {l for l, _ in kwargs.get("commit_msg_labels", tuple())}

    def _strip_ticket_directives(line):
        return re.sub(r'( \([^)]*\)){1,}$', '', line)

    errors = []
    missed_lines = []
    skipped = []

    for (i, line) in enumerate(lines[1:]):
        if line.startswith('*'):
            dot_found = False
            if len(missed_lines) > 0:
                errors.append(("M130", i + 2))
            if lines[i].strip() != '':
                errors.append(("M120", i + 2))
            if _strip_ticket_directives(line).endswith('.'):
                dot_found = True

            label =
            if label and'label') not in labels:
                errors.append(("M122", i + 2,'label')))

            for (j, indented) in enumerate(lines[i + 2:]):
                if indented.strip() == '':
                if not"^ {2}\S", indented):
                    errors.append(("M121", i + j + 3))
                    skipped.append(i + j + 1)
                    stripped_line = _strip_ticket_directives(indented)
                    if stripped_line.endswith('.'):
                        dot_found = True
                    elif stripped_line.strip():
                        dot_found = False

            if not dot_found:
                errors.append(("M123", i + 2))

        elif i not in skipped and line.strip():
            missed_lines.append((i + 2, line))

        if len(line) > max_length:
            errors.append(("M190", i + 2, max_length, len(line)))

    return errors, missed_lines

def _check_signatures(lines, **kwargs):
    """Check that the signatures are valid.

    There should be at least three signatures. If not, one of them should be a
    trusted developer/reviewer.

    Formatting supported being: [signature] full name <email@address>

    :param lines: lines (lineno, content) to verify.
    :type lines: list
    :param signatures: list of supported signature
    :type signatures: list
    :param alt_signatures: list of alternative signatures, not counted
    :type alt_signatures: list
    :param trusted: list of trusted reviewers, the e-mail address.
    :type trusted: list
    :param min_reviewers: minimal number of reviewers needed. (Default 3)
    :type min_reviewers: int
    :return: errors as in (code, line number, *args)
    :rtype: list

    trusted = kwargs.get("trusted", ())
    signatures = tuple(kwargs.get("signatures", ()))
    alt_signatures = tuple(kwargs.get("alt_signatures", ()))
    min_reviewers = kwargs.get("min_reviewers", 3)

    matching = []
    errors = []
    signatures += alt_signatures

    test_signatures = re.compile("^({0})".format("|".join(signatures)))
    test_alt_signatures = re.compile("^({0})".format("|".join(alt_signatures)))
    for i, line in lines:
        if signatures and
            if line.endswith("."):
                errors.append(("M191", i))
            if not alt_signatures or not
            errors.append(("M102", i))

    if not matching:
        errors.append(("M101", 1))
        errors.append(("M100", 1))
    elif len(matching) < min_reviewers:
        pattern = re.compile('|'.join(map(lambda x: '<' + re.escape(x) + '>',
        trusted_matching = list(filter(None, map(, matching)))
        if len(trusted_matching) == 0:
            errors.append(("M100", 1))

    return errors

[docs]def check_message(message, **kwargs): """Check the message format. Rules: - the first line must start by a component name - and a short description (52 chars), - then bullet points are expected - and finally signatures. :param components: compontents, e.g. ``('auth', 'utils', 'misc')`` :type components: `list` :param signatures: signatures, e.g. ``('Signed-off-by', 'Reviewed-by')`` :type signatures: `list` :param alt_signatures: alternative signatures, e.g. ``('Tested-by',)`` :type alt_signatures: `list` :param trusted: optional list of reviewers, e.g. ``('',)`` :type trusted: `list` :param max_length: optional maximum line length (by default: 72) :type max_length: int :param max_first_line: optional maximum first line length (by default: 50) :type max_first_line: int :param allow_empty: optional way to allow empty message (by default: False) :type allow_empty: bool :return: errors sorted by line number :rtype: `list` """ if kwargs.pop("allow_empty", False): if not message or message.isspace(): return [] lines = re.split(r"\r\n|\r|\n", message) errors = _check_1st_line(lines[0], **kwargs) err, signature_lines = _check_bullets(lines, **kwargs) errors += err errors += _check_signatures(signature_lines, **kwargs) def _format(code, lineno, args): return "{0}: {1} {2}".format(lineno, code, _messages_codes[code].format(*args)) return list(map(lambda x: _format(x[0], x[1], x[2:]), sorted(errors, key=lambda x: x[0])))
class _PyFlakesChecker(pyflakes.checker.Checker): """PEP8 compatible checker for pyFlakes (inspired by flake8).""" name = "pyflakes" version = pyflakes.__version__ def run(self): """Yield the error messages.""" for msg in self.messages: col = getattr(msg, 'col', 0) yield msg.lineno, col, (msg.tpl % msg.message_args), msg.__class__ def _register_pyflakes_check(): """Register the pyFlakes checker into PEP8 set of checks.""" from flake8_isort import Flake8Isort from flake8_blind_except import check_blind_except # Resolving conflicts between pep8 and pyflakes. codes = { "UnusedImport": "F401", "ImportShadowedByLoopVar": "F402", "ImportStarUsed": "F403", "LateFutureImport": "F404", "Redefined": "F801", "RedefinedInListComp": "F812", "UndefinedName": "F821", "UndefinedExport": "F822", "UndefinedLocal": "F823", "DuplicateArgument": "F831", "UnusedVariable": "F841", } for name, obj in vars(pyflakes.messages).items(): if name[0].isupper() and obj.message: obj.tpl = "{0} {1}".format(codes.get(name, "F999"), obj.message) pep8.register_check(_PyFlakesChecker, codes=['F']) # FIXME parser hack parser = pep8.get_parser('', '') Flake8Isort.add_options(parser) options, args = parser.parse_args([]) # end of hack pep8.register_check(Flake8Isort, codes=['I']) pep8.register_check(check_blind_except, codes=['B90']) _registered_pyflakes_check = False class _Report(pep8.BaseReport): """Custom reporter. It keeps a list of errors in a sortable list and never prints. """ def __init__(self, options): """Initialize the reporter.""" super(_Report, self).__init__(options) self.errors = [] def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check): """Run the checks and collect the errors.""" code = super(_Report, self).error(line_number, offset, text, check) if code: self.errors.append((line_number, offset + 1, code, text, check))
[docs]def is_file_excluded(filename, excludes): """Check if the file should be excluded. :param filename: file name :param excludes: list of regex to match :return: True if the file should be excluded """ # check if you need to exclude this file return any([exclude and re.match(exclude, filename) is not None for exclude in excludes])
[docs]def check_pep8(filename, **kwargs): """Perform static analysis on the given file. :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :param ignore: codes to ignore, e.g. ``('E111', 'E123')`` :type ignore: `list` :param select: codes to explicitly select. :type select: `list` :param pyflakes: run the pyflakes checks too (default ``True``) :type pyflakes: bool :return: errors :rtype: `list` .. seealso:: :py:class:`pycodestyle.Checker` """ options = { "ignore": kwargs.get("ignore"), "select": kwargs.get("select"), } if not _registered_pyflakes_check and kwargs.get("pyflakes", True): _register_pyflakes_check() checker = pep8.Checker(filename, reporter=_Report, **options) checker.check_all() errors = [] for error in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[0]): errors.append("{0}:{1}: {3}".format(*error)) return errors
[docs]def check_pydocstyle(filename, **kwargs): """Perform static analysis on the given file docstrings. :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :param ignore: codes to ignore, e.g. ('D400',) :type ignore: `list` :param match: regex the filename has to match to be checked :type match: str :param match_dir: regex everydir in path should match to be checked :type match_dir: str :return: errors :rtype: `list` .. seealso:: `PyCQA/pydocstyle <>`_ """ ignore = kwargs.get("ignore") match = kwargs.get("match", None) match_dir = kwargs.get("match_dir", None) errors = [] if match and not re.match(match, os.path.basename(filename)): return errors if match_dir: # FIXME here the full path is checked, be sure, if match_dir doesn't # match the path (usually temporary) before the actual application path # it may not run the checks when it should have. path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(filename))[0] while path != "/": path, dirname = os.path.split(path) if not re.match(match_dir, dirname): return errors checker = pydocstyle.PEP257Checker() with open(filename) as fp: try: for error in checker.check_source(, filename): if ignore is None or error.code not in ignore: # Removing the colon ':' after the error code message = re.sub("(D[0-9]{3}): ?(.*)", r"\1 \2", error.message) errors.append("{0}: {1}".format(error.line, message)) except tokenize.TokenError as e: errors.append("{1}:{2} {0}".format(e.args[0], *e.args[1])) except pydocstyle.AllError as e: errors.append(str(e)) return errors
[docs]def check_license(filename, **kwargs): """Perform a license check on the given file. The license format should be commented using # and live at the top of the file. Also, the year should be the current one. :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :param year: default current year :type year: int :param ignore: codes to ignore, e.g. ``('L100', 'L101')`` :type ignore: `list` :param python_style: False for JavaScript or CSS files :type python_style: bool :return: errors :rtype: `list` """ year = kwargs.pop("year", python_style = kwargs.pop("python_style", True) ignores = kwargs.get("ignore") template = "{0}: {1} {2}" if python_style: re_comment = re.compile(r"^#.*|\{#.*|[\r\n]+$") starter = "# " else: re_comment = re.compile(r"^/\*.*| \*.*|[\r\n]+$") starter = " *" errors = [] lines = [] file_is_empty = False license = "" lineno = 0 try: with, "r", "utf-8") as fp: line = fp.readline() blocks = [] while re_comment.match(line): if line.startswith(starter): line = line[len(starter):].lstrip() blocks.append(line) lines.append((lineno, line.strip())) lineno, line = lineno + 1, fp.readline() file_is_empty = line == "" license = "".join(blocks) except UnicodeDecodeError: errors.append((lineno + 1, "L190", "utf-8")) license = "" if file_is_empty and not license.strip(): return errors match_year = if match_year is None: errors.append((lineno + 1, "L101")) elif int("year")) != year: theline = lno = lineno for no, l in lines: if theline.strip() == l: lno = no break errors.append((lno + 1, "L102", year,"year"))) else: program_match = program_2_match = program_3_match = if program_match is None: errors.append((lineno, "L100")) elif (program_2_match is None or program_3_match is None or ("program").upper() !="program").upper() !="program").upper())): errors.append((lineno, "L103")) def _format_error(lineno, code, *args): return template.format(lineno, code, _licenses_codes[code].format(*args)) def _filter_codes(error): if not ignores or error[1] not in ignores: return error return list(map(lambda x: _format_error(*x), filter(_filter_codes, errors)))
[docs]def check_file(filename, **kwargs): """Perform static analysis on the given file. .. seealso:: - :data:`.SUPPORTED_FILES` - :func:`.check_pep8` - :func:`.check_pydocstyle` - and :func:`.check_license` :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :return: errors sorted by line number or None if file is excluded :rtype: `list` """ excludes = kwargs.get("excludes", []) errors = [] if is_file_excluded(filename, excludes): return None if filename.endswith(".py"): if kwargs.get("pep8", True): errors += check_pep8(filename, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("pydocstyle", True): errors += check_pydocstyle(filename, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("license", True): errors += check_license(filename, **kwargs) elif"\.(tpl|html)$", filename): errors += check_license(filename, **kwargs) elif"\.(js|jsx|css|less)$", filename): errors += check_license(filename, python_style=False, **kwargs) def try_to_int(value): try: return int(value.split(':', 1)[0]) except ValueError: return 0 return sorted(errors, key=try_to_int)
[docs]def check_author(author, **kwargs): """Check the presence of the author in the AUTHORS/THANKS files. Rules: - the author full name and email must appear in AUTHORS file :param authors: name of AUTHORS files :type authors: `list` :param path: path to the repository home :type path: str :return: errors :rtype: `list` """ errors = [] authors = kwargs.get("authors") if not authors: errors.append('1:A100: ' + _author_codes['A100']) return errors exclude_author_names = kwargs.get("exclude_author_names") if exclude_author_names and author in exclude_author_names: return [] path = kwargs.get("path") if not path: path = os.getcwd() for afile in authors: if not os.path.exists(path + os.sep + afile): errors.append('1:A101: ' + _author_codes['A101'].format(afile)) if errors: return errors status = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-q', author] + [path + os.sep + afile for afile in authors], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path).wait() if status: errors.append('1:A102: ' + _author_codes['A102'].format(author)) return errors
[docs]def get_options(config=None): """Build the options from the config object.""" if config is None: from . import config config.get = lambda key, default=None: getattr(config, key, default) base = { "components": config.get("COMPONENTS"), "signatures": config.get("SIGNATURES"), "commit_msg_template": config.get("COMMIT_MSG_TEMPLATE"), "commit_msg_labels": config.get("COMMIT_MSG_LABELS"), "alt_signatures": config.get("ALT_SIGNATURES"), "trusted": config.get("TRUSTED_DEVELOPERS"), "pep8": config.get("CHECK_PEP8", True), "pydocstyle": config.get("CHECK_PYDOCSTYLE", True), "license": config.get("CHECK_LICENSE", True), "pyflakes": config.get("CHECK_PYFLAKES", True), "ignore": config.get("IGNORE"), "select": config.get("SELECT"), "match": config.get("PYDOCSTYLE_MATCH"), "match_dir": config.get("PYDOCSTYLE_MATCH_DIR"), "min_reviewers": config.get("MIN_REVIEWERS"), "colors": config.get("COLORS", True), "excludes": config.get("EXCLUDES", []), "authors": config.get("AUTHORS"), "exclude_author_names": config.get("EXCLUDE_AUTHOR_NAMES"), } options = {} for k, v in base.items(): if v is not None: options[k] = v return options